1 treatment - before (top) after (bottom)

1 treatment - before (top) after (bottom)

6 weeks of treatment - before (top) after (bottom)

6 weeks of treatment - before (top) after (bottom)

Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture

Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture, Gua Sha and Cupping are safe and effective natural ways to achieve radiant skin. A treatment involves the insertion of very fine needles to specific points around the face, it is gentle and effective. The needles create micro-wounds within the epidermis and dermis that encourage the skins own natural healing response. After the needles are placed, the body responds by filling the micro-wounds by producing new collagen and elastin in the dermis. In addition, new capillaries are formed. This vascularization and collagen production following the treatment lead to long lasting skin rejuvenation and reduction of scars, with improved skin texture, firmness and hydration. Each treatment gives about a permanent shift towards radiant, glowing, firm skin. Depending on each individual, Gua Sha or Cupping will be performed after the needles. Each treatment brings about noticeable change, face specific, often 6 treatments is enough. Combining your Facial Rejuvenation treatment with whole body Acupuncture treatments encourage your body to heal from the inside out, resolving problems with the skin rooting in hormonal and internal health imbalances.

Facial Acupuncture, Gua Sha and Cupping

  • Stimulate collagen production and increase specific collagen dispersal

  • Reduce swelling, puffiness and assist lymphatic draining

  • Eliminate fine lines and reduce wrinkle depth

  • Improves muscle tone and skin elasticity with increased blood flow

  • Relax facial muscles, reduce stress and tension in the face

  • Gives skin a vibrant glow and even tone

  • Natural and effective